Thursday, January 22, 2009

Starting Out

I thought I would start a blog showcasing all my sewing acheivements. Eventually, I would like to start my own boutique line of day! Sara Ashley is a combination of both of my daughter's first names.

I started sewing when we decided to take our first trip to Disney as a family in 2005. Mostly, I choose material and cut it and my mom did the sewing. Here is the Cindy dress she made.

Our next trip in 2006, I decided we needed more outfits for Disney. This time I cut material and helped sew some of the outfits. By our 4th trip in 2008 I made all of Sara Beth's outfits and a few for Ashley, too! I now make most of my younger daughters outfits instead of buying them. I really enjoy sewing and hope to keep improving!
Here is one I made for the last trip. It is a patchwork twirl jumper. Mom did the embroidery on her machine and I did lots and lots of cutting and sewing. Sara Beth loves this dress!


  1. Yea ! i am so ecited to see your blog of all your sewing outfits .. Isn't Funny How Disney trips get us doing things that we normally would not (LOL)

  2. I love that patchwork twirl dress. You know I got back into sewing for the same reason and I now make the majority of Jenna's clothes. It really saves money if you can get the fabric at a good price.

  3. I love that patchowrk twirl dress too! So cute!
