Monday, September 3, 2012

Summer Sewing Rushes by!

 This summer I decided to try out a design on a tech shirt. I am running the Princess Half Marathon in February at WDW and wanted a shirt to show I was training for it. I found a design someone posted on facebook and had a great friend digitized it for me and VOILA! Instant cute training shirt! I decided to do my first one on the back so when people are passing me (yes, slow runner here), they can read it!

New Princess Running shirt!

Close up of design.
Well, after posting a pic for my shirt on a running page on facebook, I got a ton of requests to make them! I have made at least 25 of them so far and am still going strong! I have also made them on different colors as the local supply of pink shirts slowly got depleted! Here it is on black! I like this one!

On a black shirt!

 I then got a request for a set of them for a bachelorette party! These came out so cute and I love the pics I got to see of them from the DL princess half!

Princes C2C Bachelorette Party!
  A special one for the bride to be! Hers had her future name on the back of the shirt!
Princess C2C Bacherlorette party bride shirt!

In between all the craziness I made myself a bag! I found this pattern on the internet here Great Bag Pattern. It has 2 zippers but were really easy to do (and I hate zippers!) I am planning on making a Disney version and a special version for DD.
 In August I went to NC to meet a bunch of friends that sew. Some I had never met IRL before but have known for years through the Disboards and facebook. I had a fantastic time! During the meet we exchanged AG doll outfits. This is the one I made for the swap! It is a doll version of the Feliz, but much easier and less time consuming!
Also in August I participated in a launch on facebook. I made 2 outfits for the launch. This first one I actually sold 3 of! It is one of my favorite dresses so far. There are 6 princesses on the dress and each princess has her fabric displayed before her!

My other launch outfit is this great Star Wars set! It is a swing top that is closed in the back, and a  patchwork twirl skirt! This one didn't sell yet and is still for sale! 
I am working on a new running shirt design and some new ideas! Come visit me on my facebook page at Sara Ashley Boutique! I will be having a give-a-way coming up and details will be posted here and on facebook!

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